Monday, October 21, 7pm, Unitarian Universalist Santa Fe, 107 W Barcelona Rd, Santa Fe
Charles Eisenstein will be speaking at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 7pm, on October 21.
UU Santa Fe
107 West Barcelona
Santa Fe, NM 87505
"Even if we cut emissions to zero, if we continue to degrade the organs of Gaia -- the forests, wetlands, soil, water, whales, fish -- then the Earth will still die a death of a million cuts." In this gathering, Charles Eisenstein draws out the profound implications of the Living Planet paradigm. He will discuss the limits of carbon accountancy, offering a holistic alternative that vastly broadens the scope of urgency, action, and hope. Shall we participate in a living Earth or a dying Earth? "When we participate in a living Earth, miracles of healing are possible. For we too are an organ of Gaia."
– Charles Eisenstein
Ticket price: self-determined at the door.
Charles Eisenstein is a public speaker, intellectual, and the author of several books including The Ascent of Humanity Sacred Economics, The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible, and Climate: A New Story.