Draft resolution to Santa Fe County Commissioner Anna Hamilton
Dear Forest Lovers,
The attached letter and draft resolution to Santa Fe County Commissioner Anna Hamilton asks for an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) instead of a toothless "comprehensive NEPA analysis."
An EIS is appropriate because extensive clearing and burning will cause significant and foreseeable damage to roadless areas and public health.
You will have an opportunity to speak for an EIS on TUESDAY MARCH 26, 3:30 pm upstairs at the County Administration Building, 102 Grant Street.
If you can't make it write the Commissioners to ask for an EIS.
Anna T. Hamilton <athamilton@santafecountynm.gov>
Anna Hansen <ahansen@santafecountynm.gov>
Ed Moreno <edmoreno@santafecountynm.gov>
Henry Roybal <proybal@santafecountynm.gov>
Rudy Garcia <rgarcia@santafecountynm.gov>
Cut & Paste format:
Anna T. Hamilton <athamilton@santafecountynm.gov>, Anna Hansen <ahansen@santafecountynm.gov>, Ed Moreno <edmoreno@santafecountynm.gov>, Henry Roybal <proybal@santafecountynm.gov>, Rudy Garcia <rgarcia@santafecountynm.gov>
Thank you!
Thanks to all who came to the meeting, gave comments, or submitted comments in writing! Over 20 spoke at the meeting in favor of an EIS and an unknown number submitted written comments!
See Sam Hitt's Testimony to the Commissioners.