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"President Bush announced the Healthy Forests Initiative, (1995) a proposal that would curtail environmental reviews and legal challenges to logging plans and accelerate so-called mechanical thinning (another way of saying logging) on 190 million acres of federal land.

"The government's own science warns that such an approach will increase, not decrease, severe fires because removal of these larger trees reduces forest canopy cover, creating hotter, drier conditions."

"As the timber industry gets its way, the only projects that will be expedited are those that remove large trees and increase fire risk..., These projects deceptively use the term "thinning" for commercial logging of medium and large trees."
"There is much evidence that decades of logging on federal lands has not reduced severe fires, they have, in fact, created them."

— Chad Hanson, director of John Muir Project, Sierra Club


"Forests do not live in dire fear of fires, but of foresters, loggers, fire fighters and fire suppression. Misinformation about fire behavior and fire ecology is exploited by those who wish to prescribe more logging in our forests."

"How human manipulation will affect the long term health and genetic diversity of a forest is seldom discussed."

"What truly destroys forests is continual human intervention done in the name of forest health."

— George Wuerthner, Foundation for Deep Ecology